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How to increase traffic to your blog or online store using WhatsApp

How to use WhatsApp to promote your website or online store

How to increase traffic to your blog or online store using WhatsApp

If you want to attract the attention of prospective clients, you need to have a lot of traffic to your online company page, website, or blog. You must use WhatsApp to its full potential if you run an internet company in order to increase visitors, leads, and sales.

Many online and physical companies, as well as blogs, have failed to strategically use WhatsApp’s capabilities.

How to use WhatsApp to promote your website or online store
Let’s examine the fundamental actions you may do to increase traffic to your website or blog.

Create WhatsApp Groups

The best technique to increase traffic to your blog or online store is via this method. Make a WhatsApp group and post the link on Facebook, Telegram, and other groups.

To encourage interested people to join your group where you provide blog information, you can also include the URL in your articles.

Make sure you are the sole administrator and that nobody else is able to post or send messages to the group. In this manner, your organization becomes the exclusive source of news. This will stop anyone from using your group to advertise their own content, frauds, and other relevant material.

You may promote your blog by using the WhatsApp Groups function. Similar to a Facebook group, it operates. You may create and maintain a community by creating a WhatsApp group just for your audience.

Make another group when the first one is filled. Add connections to interesting information, and readers will come on their own.

How to increase traffic to your blog or online store using WhatsApp
How to increase traffic to your blog or online store using WhatsApp

[JOIN US ON WHATSAPP] is an example of a WhatsApp group link.

Use the functionality for broadcast messages.

You may use this tool to make a list of the people who should see the message or material you upload. All the people you added to the broadcast list will get the message if you use the broadcast option to send the message.

If the people you are broadcasting to choose to report or block you, this choice may be unsettling. In this situation, WhatsApp can block your phone number. Only those in your circles who have your number should get your messages.


If you include or integrate a WhatsApp share button into your website, readers may simply press it to share your material with friends and family in their network if they find it beneficial.

All of these techniques are incredibly effective and will continuously attract readers and visitors. Additionally, when they spread all of your informative and interesting information, readers will become free advertising agents.

If you don’t run a blog, take advantage of their massive readerships and pay for their advertising services.

Give them the URL of your WhatsApp group so they may connect it to the article or your advertisement-related photo.

The reader will either start conversing with you immediately or join your group after they click the picture or link in a blog article. We provide these services. You may talk to us by clicking this link. How to increase traffic to your blog or online store using WhatsApp

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