
Excellence Master Fellowships 2023-24, Faculty of Science, University of Geneva, Switzerland

One of the world’s top research institutions is the University of Geneva’s Faculty of Science. A wide number of scientific fields are covered by this cutting-edge study, including astronomy, biology, chemistry, and biochemistry, computer science, mathematics, physics, pharmaceutical sciences, earth sciences, and environmental studies.

The Faculty is home to three National Centers of Competence in Research (Chemical Biology, SwissMAP, and Planets) of the fiercely competitive Swiss National Sciences Foundation. The Masters programs offered by the Faculty of Science are a perfect foundation for professional and academic growth, providing access to employment in business, education, administration in the sciences, communication, and the media. The master’s degree programs are offered either in English only or in English and French (see the descriptions of each program).

With the assistance of outside partners, the Faculty of Science has created an Excellence Fellowship program that is accessible to exceptional and highly motivated students who aspire to pursue a Master of Science degree in one of the fields the Faculty of Science serves1. The criteria for choosing candidates are excellence.

The Excellence Fellowship is a grant worth between CHF 10,000 and CHF 15,000 per year (no teaching responsibilities); it is given for one year and extended for the full three or four semesters of the chosen Master’s program, depending on the applicant’s academic standing at the conclusion of the first semester of study.

Regardless of your home university, whether you have passed or are doing a brilliant bachelor degree, and that you are one of the best in your year2, this program is for you! You must meet the admission criteria of the Master of your choice3 and be selected on the basis of the application file for an Excellence Fellowship.

For the application to be considered, each student has to fulfill the enrollment procedure as described on the Admissions office website.

  • A scan of your UNIGE card or if you are not yet a UNIGE student, the mail of the central administration named “Your application to UNIGE” (proof you have started the matriculation process) is requested.

The application (in English or French) must include the following documents in the form of a SINGLE pdf file:

  • A scan of your national identity card or passport.
  • A Curriculum Vitae (2 pages maximum).
  • The transcript of exams passed during the bachelor education, with all grades.
  • A motivation letter in which you describe your specific scientific interests and your motivation to pursue a Master of Science program at the University of Geneva.
  • If possible: Letters of references from two professors (preferably sent by them directly to attesting your aptitude to this program.
  • Any other pertinent information like results of GRE (General requirement examination), of TOEFL or other language test.

The application is made online, from the beginning of January of each year. After registering, you will receive an e-mail containing a personal link allowing you to fill out the application form.

Next application deadline is 15 March 2023 (for Masters starting September 18, 2023).


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